JawBreakers Boys is an organization for young boys that that builds character, trains and prepares young boys in becoming men at the most impressionable years of their lives.
The JawBreakers’ mission is to empower young boys to be great In God, by strengthening their character, and preparing them in various facets of life to be the Mighty Men of Valor God has called them to be.
JawBreakers instill in young boys to be Leaders, not followers. To prepare, and train them at a young age for the future husbands, fathers and leaders they are one day going to become.
Not conform to the ways of this world: society, peers, and the latest trends; but to walk in the ways of Jesus Christ…..even when it seems counter-cultural, unpopular and abhorred by society, to stand on the word of God without compromise, despite the circumstances.
And not only that, but to boldly, bravely, diligently and strategically pursue what they want to become when they grow up; by encouragement and providing resources, such as meeting people in those career fields.
JAWBREAKERS is a BRANCH OF CHOCOLATE DROP GIRLS. For Boys ages 5-12. Our values are to raise boys and girls to be Men and Women to who know who they are and their purpose. To be strong in who they are and in the gifts and Talents that God has put in them.
They will be involved in Monthly character badges, career workshops, activities, and service projects.
There is a $30 annual fee (this includes their Tshirt, official Jawbreakers pin,