Chocolate Drop Girls is a group of Girls ages 5-12. Through this organization we want to
encourage little girls to love and appreciate the person God created them to be. No matter what others say about them, and how they feel about themselves, that they are fearfully and wonderfully made! They are beautiful, unique, special, loved and valued. They are made in the image of God.
God made US all DIFFERENT!!!! We are all unique in our own way: Our skin color, hair textures, our features, our abilities and our talents.
God knew exactly what he was doing when he made us.
He told us that we are made FEARFULLY: In a manner to impress admiration and astonishment. And we are made WONDERFULLY: That emotion which is excited by novelty, or the presentation to the sight or mind, of something new, unusual, strange, great, extraordinary, or not well understood.
With the Chocolate Drop Girls we will learn exactly how wonderful God made us. The way he made us is exactly how he wanted us to be. We will not try to be someone else. We should be the person God created us to be.
Register 5-12
13- UP
Partnering with FEARLESS